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I am suffering from a problem with Sequence (latest version) and my SX-H694 - whenever I try to autofocus, I receive the error message "could not receive focus" - continue retry etc. 

I know from former times, that the box "readoutmodes" in the CCD setting menu should be unchecked. I was using SEQ with my FLI CCD and there was no problem at all...just switching the CCD led to the problems...

Maybe there is a user who could is using also a Starlight Xpress CCD successfully and is will to share his setting with me or tell me how he/she made his/her baby work.

Every hint is very much appreciated!


Kindest regards,



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Additional info:

Imaging for pointing pictures works fine...there seems to be an issue if it comes down to focusing...

Maybe the embedded ACC in Autoslew is the problem? I will re-visit this issue tonight...


However, every thought and hint is appreciated...




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Ok, here comes the solution:

I  had to manually edit the Sequence.ini file...


[Autofocus Settings]

First Exposure Time=1
Shortes possible Exposure Time=0,1
Longest allowed Exposure Time=5
First Move Step (mm)=0,42
Fine Move Step (mm)=0,21
Start Binning=2 "initially 3 was set here"
Start Box Size=1000
Final Box Size=200
Maximum Way during Focusing=5
Averages on first focusing=1
Averages on fine focusing=2
Minimum Star Brightness=1000
Maximum Star Brightness=50000
Target Star Brightness=5000
Use frame set in MaximDL=TRUE
Focusing Timeout (seconds)=30
Focusing Initial Wait time until checking for position reached (seconds)=1
Focusing Slew Settle Time=1
Readoutmode of CCD during Focusing=0 "initially -1 was set here"
Filter used normally for Autofocus=1
Slope (HFD per Focuschange in Pix per mm=0,0212
Focuser Tolerance in mm (when a new position is accepted)=1
Time in Minutes when at least an Autofocus should be made=40
If a slew from last Autofocus is larger than that it will make new Autofocus=40
Never make Autofocus checks during Sequence=False
Autofocus every new line=False
Binning for HFD Calculation=2 "initially 3 was set here"
Interpolation for Brightest Pixel determination=2
After manipulating these settings manually, autofocus works as with my FLI.
I suppose, that there might be a problem with saving the ini-file if you change settings within SEQ - just my two pence...
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