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M31 The Core of Andromeda Galaxy


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Hello to everybody, this is a reprocessed photo of the M31 that I made one year ago.


Place:        Ager-Lleida-Spain

SQM:         21.3 - 21.6

Dates:       Sep. & Oct. 2016




Telescope:  GSO RC14 Truss

Mount:        ASA DDM85

Camera:      Moravian G2-8300

Focuser:      Seletek Armadillo 2

Flattener:    CCDT67 0.67x

Exposure:    L: 18x300 sec bin1 RGB: 12x300 sec bin1

Processing: Pixinsight & Photoshop CC 2017

Software:     MaximDL, Sequence,Autoslew

Control Remote:  Talon6


Best regards




M31 Andromeda Galaxy Reprocesado 2017.jpg

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Hello John,


Since I bouth the DDM85XL 3 years ago, I have never guided, this is was the main reason why I've choosen this mount! Now I am waiting my new telescope from the company CFF Telescope, is an RC400 f/8 with native focal 3200 mm. I will tell you if with my next telescope I need to guiding or not, I hope so no!!


The best
Luis Romero

Edited by astrosirius
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Thanks Luis,


I am switching scopes, going from a focal length of 1100 to 2800. I'm a little concerned....

Hello John,


Don't worry with 2800 you will get stable and moreover if you have a dome, my old telescope it was an GSO 14" f/8 that reach to 2840 mm (Roll-off-Roof) and I got a very good sucess, the only thing is that i always have to removed the first photo of each mlpt session, even when is doing the flip meridian, but for the rest, I haven't had poblem at 2800 mm.


I wish you the best!!


Clear skies!

Luis Romero

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